In order to deliver standard products into the market, Thuan Thanh Company has applied biotechnology without using antibiotics and chemicals in shrimp farm. Looking forward to farm shrimps with antibiotic-free.

  • Pond area: 2.000 – 5.000 m2
  • The pond banks are, do not leak, keep the water level in the pond stably. The right bank side is higher water level in the pond and should be at least 0.3m.
  • There are water inlet and outlet sluice separately.
  • The input water source must be available and not polluted
  • Water depth: 1,5 – 1,8 m (level of water 1,2 – 1,5 m)
  • pH of pond bottom > 5,5, pH water: 7,5 – 8,5
  • The dissolved oxygen: 4 – 9 mg/l
  • -S‰: 5 – 30‰
  • Soil Characteristics: Can be fed all kinds of pond bottom, sand of pond bottom is the best, sand of mud or gravel sand. The pond bottom is not leaking or osmose to the contrary. The transportation convenience and electricity for production.

Pond System Setting:

  • The pond is built between the water inlet and outlet ditch.
  • If the pond is built near the seaweed growing area, it is very good to turn over the water into a closed system with a pump of rotation.
  • The pond bottom is higher than the ditch bottom at least 30 cm, the slope bottom is slightly incline toward to outlet sluice.
  • If the pond bottom has a high acidity, a lot of organic matter, or the new land is putted into use from the mangrove forest, etc., use some materials to reinforce the pond bottom to have limited ability to create NH3, H2S. … and suspended organic matter.
  • The pond bank is higher than tide level and is highest 30 – 50 cm. The dimension of pond bank is enough wide and convenience for traveling and delivering food, equipments…
  • Ponds are set up with water inlet and outlet sluice separately. The outlet sluice is lower than the pond bottom about 20 – 30 cm.

With strict standard regulations on antibiotics of foreign markets when we export. To feeding shrimp with a clean sample without antibiotics has been deployed by many farming places.

We treat water by using multi-step water treatment methods to create fresh water:

  • The settling pond is treated with potassium permanganate and PAC to help with sedimentation and is separated through many sections to filter out the sedimentation to move its another settling pond for the next stage of water treatment (these bactericides and clarifiers are both approved for using in seafood and not harmful to the user.)
  • After the treatment of potassium permanganate and PAC is completed, the water is transferred to the next settling pond for chlorine treatment. At this stage, the water is disinfected with chlorine with a concentration of up to 70%, killing almost 90% of bacteria in the water, making the water clear and clean completely.

Chlorine treatment area and settling pond contain water to evaporate all chlorine before using for farming – Farming shrimps without antibiotics.

After the water in the pond is completely cleared chlorine, and the pond is ready for using (Having water pond is used for farming shrimps) to grow microorganisms, creating a suitable environment for shrimps to farm.

Using an automatic feeding machine system to alarm hours for feeding of your shrimp pond. With this system, we can appoint quantify and control the amount of food ration, to be eaten by shrimps daily, to increase or decrease to balance the cost and the consumption of shrimp.

Automatic feeding machine system in floating pond, controlling the time and amount of food ration, to be eaten by shrimps. If you are not equipped with an automatic feeding system to control the amount of food, you should check after each feeding regularly to assess the amount of food shrimp eating and adjust for the next increasing or decreasing.

Checking the amount of leftover the food after feeding the shrimp
and checking toxic gas indicators regularly as well as mineral indicators in the pond to modify corrective measure timely.

Monitoring of water parameters – A sample of shrimp farm without antibiotics.
Without using drugs and antibiotics in the feeding pond  processing, so the farmers need to ensure from the beginning of the seed quality, the water quality and the food quality. At the same time, always check the changes of the specifications daily to remedy on time.